For the medium-sized businesses of tomorrow
Clockwise Consulting steht für gelebtes Unternehmertum und Innovation im und für den Mittelstand. Daher gründen und beteiligen wir uns an Start-ups mit „Mittelstands-DNA“. Für uns sind das junge Unternehmen, die sich in ihrer Vision an den Werten mittelständischer Unternehmen orientieren. Erfahren Sie jetzt mehr über unsere Beteiligungen und Zusammenarbeit.
Our ventures
Startify GmbH
Wachstum durch Innovation
Startify verbindet das Beste aus beiden Welten: 15 Jahre Erfahrung im Umgang mit führenden Mittelstandsunternehmen einerseits und Tech-Startups andererseits. Die junge Unternehmensberatung verbindet die Kennzahlen ihrer Klienten mit jungem Unternehmergeist und Know-how aus der Startup-Szene. Daher wissen sie, was den Mittelstand erfolgreich und innovativ macht.
Die Umsetzungsfähigkeit und Wirksamkeit sind Messwerte ihrer Arbeit und ermöglichen es ihnen mit ihren Klienten zu wachsen.
fabforce GmbH & Co. KG
machine + data = more efficiency
The fabforce GmbH & Co. KG was created in the course of a company succession, which was accompanied by Clockwise Consulting. Successor Fabian Knapp wanted to put his own stamp on a traditional machine manufacturer and open up new business areas. His idea: an AI that allows companies to obtain more information about the performance of their machines and thus identify optimization potential at an early stage. Since new structures and processes were needed for the new SaaS business model, Fabian Knapp and Clockwise Consulting spun off and built fabforce as a corporate startup.
The Right Machine GmbH
The search engine for production machines
The purchase of a new machine is a lengthy and complex process, especially in medium-sized companies. Thomas Wrobel has worked for several years for various machine manufacturers and has seen that the purchase of a new machine often does not end with the purchase of the optimal machine. With his startup The Right Machine, he has developed a search engine that makes it easier for companies to find the right machine for their production chain. With the help of the specially developed algorithm, machines can be filtered according to production purpose, material and efficiency, so that the optimal solution for the respective process can be found. Clockwise Consulting accompanied the startup through the founding process and during the company's development.
How Clockwise Consulting supports founders and start-ups
Experts for Company Building
We have already accompanied numerous entrepreneurs through the start-up process. From our experience in company building, we can anticipate challenges early on and meet them in a structured way. We combine the rationality and analytical skills of consulting with the passion and commitment of entrepreneurs. In this way, we combine the best of both worlds.
Active cooperation
Reliability and diligence are values of medium-sized businesses. We support our start-ups wherever possible, whether as a neutral consultant or in operational functions. In this way, we maintain a close exchange with our partners and can respond to questions and problems at any time.
Access to a broad network
Cooperation creates true added value. Clockwise Consulting has been advising owner-managed and family-managed companies from various industries since 2006. In addition, our management works closely with the Oskar Patzelt Foundation, which awards Germany's most coveted business award, the Grand Prix of Mittelstand.
You want to start a business yourself and are looking for the right support? Then write us a non-binding message now!
Why do we participate in start-ups?

For more entrepreneurship
We see ourselves as entrepreneurs at heart and consultants in mind. Thus, we are convinced that in entrepreneurship and innovation lie answers to the central questions of tomorrow. That's why we want to support founders who boldly confront social and economic issues and work diligently and passionately for a better future.
To learn from each other
As SME experts, we have many years of experience in advising owner-managed and family-run companies. We want to pass this knowledge on to the next generation of entrepreneurs. In addition, we also know that start-ups have great innovation potential. So we also want to learn from collaboration, connect young companies with cooperation partners in the SME sector, and thus create synergies that strengthen the SME sector in the long term.

For the family businesses and SMEs of tomorrow
Promoting the next generation of entrepreneurs and, above all, SMEs is a particular concern of ours. We want to strengthen those entrepreneurs who are not looking for a quick exit. We want to support those who understand the impact entrepreneurship can have on our society, who want stability instead of exponential growth, and who are committed to their region. For us, these are values of the SME sector that we want to preserve in the long term.