Digitalisation poses new challenges for many large family businesses and market leaders: Which SAP solution is best suited for my company? Do we have the necessary IT know-how in the company to implement this solution effectively? ICONTEC GmbH is an IT consultancy specialising in SAP, based in Ilmenau. The company emerged from a spin-off and has focused on new effective mechanisms of employee participation and responsibility.
Clockwise Consulting GmbH supported and structured the entire spin-off and set-up process: from financing, strategic and operational objectives, to team building and growth.
"In the spin-off process, there were always critical points, such as financing, and other challenges that made it necessary to react around the clock. And here we could always rely on the support of Christian Wewezow as a strategy expert and management coach", recalls Nils Büchner, Managing Partner of ICONTEC.
Außerdem betont er: „Besonders schätze ich die vielseitige Expertise, denn es ist immer sehr hilfreich, wenn man einen Sparringspartner an seiner Seite hat, der eben in mehreren Disziplinen versiert ist. Der externe Input löste Probleme, mit denen das Managementteam zuvor noch nie konfrontiert wurde und bei denen alle Gesellschafter auf einen Nenner gebracht werden mussten.“
In the future, it will be important to strengthen ICONTEC's resilience as a technology company and to master the accompanying transformation.