Ingenieurgesellschaft Patzke GmbH from Soest has been managing sewer, road and civil engineering projects in Germany for more than 25 years. Founded by Bernd and Britta Patzke, the multi-award-winning family business can look back on a successful history.
After more than 40 years in the business, founder and Managing Director Bernd Patzke decided to look for a succession solution early on in 2022. It was particularly important to him and his wife to find motivated successors who would think entrepreneurially and continue their life's work.
Together with Clockwise Consulting, the succession process was started last year and the handover to four managers was prepared.
Succession processes usually require patience and a clear objective. As Bernd Patzke recalls today: “It was important to me to find a way that would also give my successors the chance to grow into their new position as entrepreneurs and, if possible, not put them under too much financial pressure.”
To ensure this, our Managing Partner Christian Wewezow accompanied the succession and, together with IGP's tax consultancy, developed a sustainable company structure that inspired the four successors to break new ground. As a positive result, Hellweg-Ingenieure GmbH was founded in June 2023.
Commenting on the advice provided by Clockwise Consulting, Bernd Patzke says today: “Without the course-setting, the strategic advice and the persistent follow-up to build up the necessary momentum, it would not have been possible to find a solution that we all support. Many thanks to Christian Wewezow!”